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Sup cunt?

A question to be yelled out car windows at passing girls on the street in an attempt to irritate and/or insult them. May be used as a drive by insult.

Guy in car: "SUP CUNT?"

Girl on street: "What an asshole..."

by Drive By Insulter December 13, 2009

15👍 8👎

Sup cunts?

A greeting; predominately used to greet close friends.

"Sup cunts?! Did you catch that shit ass gig last night?"

by Shotcallerbigbawler June 14, 2017

3👍 1👎

Sup cunt

When you have a friend that you hate but hes the only one who plays minecraft with you.

You: Sup cunt
Friend: Sup fag

by I don't want more tea August 20, 2019