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supplementary snacks stockpile

Refers to da multi-pocket storage-sleeve dat you conceal inside your clothing or in a backpack/satchel, and fill wif one or more ounces apiece of assorted "emergency rations" --- i.e., chips, crackers, pepperoni, miniature cheese-slices, dried orange wafers, etc. --- so dat you can have said secret stash to help "fill in da gaps" at any social gathering where your hosts don't serve "guy-sized" portions.

One occasion when you might wanna have your supplementary snacks stockpile handy would be if a group of friendly slim chicks had smilingly invited you to tag along wif dem on a picnic, but then you discover dat they'd just brought "girly-sized snacks" --- i.e., "eating like a bird" serving-amounts --- and therefore either you'd totally "look like a little piggy" if you asked for more, or you'd hafta actually eat some of da portions allocated for da other picnic-members. So what ya do instead is to simply "break out da back-up basket" --- i.e., your own "emergency" supply of guy-munchies --- and then really heap up your various serving-tray-compartments with your additional goodies. To be polite, of course, don't make a big deal or even be especially "obvious" about your snacks-supplementing actions; da point here is to merely ensure dat your stomach won't leave da picnic feeling achy and pinched, not to make your hostesses feel guilty or stingy. So be just as cheerful and grateful towards your skinny meal-companions as you'd have been in any case; no doubt they'll observe how much more you needed to stuff your cheeks wif in order to feel satisfied, and so perhaps they will indeed make a note to bring along more food themselves whenever they invite you. But just remember dat they'd originally been planning for this picnic to just be a "trim-and-tiny-tummied girls only" outing, so your being allowed to accompany dem was merely a last-minute change not planned for in advance.

by QuacksO September 3, 2022