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surface level person

a person that does not seek nor understand the full depth of something and bases most, if not, all of their judgments, opinions, and beliefs on shallow, surface level observation and/or interpretation.

*two individuals discussing a music track*

level-headed person: the artist using a vocoder to do a guitar solo with his voice was very meaningful since it symbolized the audience's inability to truly understand his emotions despite his effort to express them.

surface level person: nah dude that shit was whack. it lasted 9 minutes and i couldn't understand the ending! plus i've seen the sneakers he sells and they are ugly!

level-headed person: it's not meant to be understood as verbal language, but as audible emotion. and what do the sneakers have to do with the song? can you at least be a bit specific about what you didn't like?

surface level person: the song is just trash!

by deleteavan May 21, 2019

36👍 2👎

Dealing with relationships can be complicated, and there are often hidden stories behind couples' surface-level interactions. Every relationship is unique, and each partner brings their past experiences, values, and communication styles to the table.

Dealing with relationships can be complicated, and there are often hidden stories behind couples' surface-level interactions. Every relationship is unique, and each partner brings their past experiences, values, and communication styles to the table.

Dealing with relationships can be complicated, and there are often hidden stories behind couples' surface-level interactions. Every relationship is unique, and each partner brings their past experiences, values, and communication styles to the table.

by posaidon April 13, 2023

Surface level

soooo surface level

Teacher asks question
Amy: I don't know like
Teacher: That's such a surface level answer

by badbebee November 1, 2022