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This is a swedish word for a person that is very sweaty and smells like old cheese and oxidated iron with rotten eggs on the top.
Translated to english it is:

OMG! Våran lärare är en riktig jävla svettlök!

OMG! Our teacher is a mean mother fucking svettlök!

pronunciation: shwuet-luek

by tatchado May 3, 2005

24👍 7👎


A Swedish word for the sweat stains that form underneath ones armpits. Can be used to describe a general sense of being sweaty as well.

The word translates to "sweat onion", alluding to the unpleasant smell of the sweat

Jävlar vilken svettlök jag har fått från träningen.

Damn what a "sweat onion" I've gotten from the workout.

by Svettapan May 13, 2021