Source Code

Swag scale

1 Lift = 200 Swags or 4 Yolos
1 Yolo = 50 Swags

(Easy) Swags can be obtained by purchasing any; Snapback, skinny jeans, YMCMB or MMG album, any OBEY merchandise, or having a personal charisma.

(Medium) Yolos are obtained by having any near death experience, getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant, fucking up in school and working at McDonalds, or just messing up.

(Hard) Lifts are obtained by lifting weights or any form of increasing muscle mass.

(BONUS) 4/20 is a date. on that magical date the scale of 41 doubles to 82... On that date try to get as many points as possible before midnight because then the scale goes back to 41.
Basically from fucking breathing you get like 5 swags a day

ha ok I just tripped our teach and probably am getting suspended thats 2 Yolos on the swag scale

by Newtoschool June 1, 2013