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swimming lessons

When you partake in sexual activity or intercourse, you learn how to swim on the penis! taken from the song money maker

Hey, Tokyo want to come over for swimming lessons?

by magnificentunicorn October 29, 2006

23👍 21👎

Huxtable Swimming Lesson

Any sexual act occuring in any Bathtub or swimming pool. Used on The Cosby Show in the 1980's when Cliff and Clair wanted to go upstairs and bang in the shower "Come on dear, lets take a Huxtable swimming lesson"

Guy 1: There is a lot of banging noise coming from the bathroom. Guy 2: Yeah Jeff and Sarah are taking a Huxtable swimming lesson

by Motherfuckinglyricalwordsmith August 23, 2010

16👍 3👎

swimming lessons on the penis

A term used to mean dickriding. Made popular by Ludacris's new single, "Money Maker"

Let me give you some swimming lessons on the penis
Backstroke, breaststroke, stroke of a genius

by D-Miles September 14, 2006

39👍 15👎

Swimming lessons on the penis

to learn how to use the penis better

Dam Chelsea's good! She doesn't need swimming lessons on the penis because she already had them.

by Marc Nucum September 14, 2006

15👍 21👎

Swimming lessons


swimming lessons make me want to kms

by drconnorswasright May 25, 2022

Irish swimming lessons

When you throw your kid in a lake to teach them how to swim and if they start sinking you throw them a non alcoholic beer for being a tosser

Lady: Does anyone have any recommendations for swimming lessons?

James: Just give your kid Irish swimming lessons, it's cheaper and they'll develop psychological disorders when they grow up.

Lady: ....Ok, anybody else have a better recommendation?

by 27DMac July 18, 2019