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Tits, Ass And Pussy; used to establish the identity of a hot chick nearby.

"Check out that TAAP over there!"
"I would like to get a piece of that TAAP."

by LegendMan March 24, 2010

6👍 3👎


Any audio cassette which contains a mix of songs, specifically made for you by a friend.

If the 'taape' has a title (preferably written with a biro) or celotaaaaaaape covering the holes to enable multiple recordings, then it is called a taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape!

I'm going upstairs to listen to me taapes!

by Adave August 31, 2006


Think about it at peace.

You may want to taap your most recent salary negotiation.

by yepaskme January 12, 2021