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Tabasco Sauce

The worst sex food ever.

"When I tried licking that Tabasco Sauce off of my girlfriend's chest I thought I was going to puke."

by Josh Rowe December 26, 2006

8👍 13👎

fitness and tabasco sauce

just, insanely hot, to the point of tabasco sauce.

whoa, that dude over there is fitness and tabasco sauce!

by gloryglorythfc October 25, 2010

2👍 2👎

Peanut Butter Jelly and Tabasco Sauce Sandwich

When you command a girl to make you a sandwich, and she tries to ruin it with some odd ingredient (ex. Tabasco Sauce) and it turns out being great.

This chick made me a Peanut Butter Jelly and Tabasco Sauce Sandwich, it was great!

by Jammer99 January 28, 2011

21👍 7👎