Source Code

Talk good

You are good at talking. Don't get nervous when taking to people. Think before u speak.

"damn I wish I could talk good."

by Omg what name hasn't been take March 19, 2021

talk a good game

(v.) To make a good, concise speech.

He can talk a good game about his credentials, but he can't actually do shit.

by denida August 18, 2004

61๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

good talk

A passive-aggressive or sarcastic way of getting someone to acknowledge that they failed to respond properly or at all to something you said/asked.

(Via Text Message)
You: Yo what's the move later on tonight??
Douche: (*no response for several hours*)
You: Good talk

by bronxlyn nyc August 12, 2017

188๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

good talk

A way to end a man-to-man conversation of personal feelings in a comfortable, heterosexual manner.

"Dude, I think my girl is cheating on me. What should I do?"

"Dump that bitch."

"Good talk."

by D.K.Y. June 1, 2007

8944๐Ÿ‘ 1155๐Ÿ‘Ž

talk about good

tasting really good; an expression used in Cajun culture referring to food that tastes really good

"Then we went to the gumbo cookoff. Sha, lemme tell you, talk about good."

by Jesse DeRouen May 19, 2008

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good talk

A phrase one says in response to an utterly moronic comment. Alternatively, can be used after lecturing a friend, in order to cut off any potential response.

Example #1:
From Old School, after Craig Kilborn's character (Mark) gets caught by Mitch cheating on his girlfriend in the bathroom.

Mark (to Mitch): What are you gonna do? Tell on me? You know you can't buddy. It's guy code. That's something chicks do. You're not a chick are you? Ok. Good talk. I'll see you out there.

Example #2:
Girlfriend: Do you want to go get tapas and then paint some pottery!!!!
Guy: Riiiight. No. But good talk.

by andydogs March 28, 2006

148๐Ÿ‘ 191๐Ÿ‘Ž

Good talk

An expression meant to end the conversation. Usually used when you would have the same answer to an insulting question that the other person would.

Boy: Why do you smell so bad?
Girl: Why do YOU smell so bad?
Boy: What?! How could you ask me that?!
Girl: Good talk.

by MalumLibrum958 April 19, 2021

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