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Tall Friend

On October 11 Its Give your Tall friend a present day! Theres always Slap your Tall friend or Abuse your tall friend day but for today its gonna be give your tall friend a present day.

#TALLFRIEND #Hereyougo #OOF #Present

You: Here you go

*Tall friend opens the present
Tall Friend: Whats this for?
You: Its Give your tall friend a present day

by Lily&Wookie November 22, 2019

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Kick a tall friend

Everybody has a talk friend so on November 5th your allowed to kick them ANYWHERE

Tom: I'm the tallest person here

Mary:But its November 5 th Kick a tall friend day ahahah
Tom:OH NO!

by francis miller YT November 2, 2019

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Kick a tall friend

Everybody has a talk friend so on November 5th your allowed to kick them ANYWHERE

Tom: I'm the tallest person here

Mary:But its November 5 th Kick a tall friend day ahahah
Tom:OH NO!

by francis miller YT November 2, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

bully your tall friend day


ha n00b ur tall fuck you it’s bully your tall friend day

by i hate tall people December 16, 2019

57πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Bully your tall friend day

Annually, on November 2nd, you can abuse your tall friend. >:)

Me: Hey Esther, its November 2nd.
Esther: What about it?
Me: Its bully your tall friend day.
Esther: OH SHII-

by smol short person >:) October 31, 2021

slap your tall friend day

If you are short slap your your tall friends in the face.

But then realize your too short that you can reach your friends face

tall friend:hey
Tall friend:what was that for!
Shorty:today you slap your tall friend day

by Shaggyboi December 7, 2019

22πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Beat up your tall friend

The 14 December is it Beat up your tall friend day, just because it’s fun when your the short friend:)

you slap or kick one or more of your tall friends (you beat up your tall friend)

by A potter head December 12, 2020