A charming, sometimes indecisive, lady. Always polished, diplomatic, and willing to see both sides of the equation. Both practical and spontaneous, a Talle will help you clean out a closet or take a road trip with you at the drop of a hat. Talles value beauty, harmony and handbags, and are characteristically active, artistic and easygoing.
"You will visit my dad in the hospital AND sign up for a 5-day yoga retreat with me?! Thank GOD you are such a Talle!!!"
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Typically an individual of an unfortunate vertical statureβor someone regularly identified as shortβwho routinely thinks he or she knows everything.
βShe is such a fucking a no-tall!!β
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The act of cutting someone else's penis off and sewing it onto yours to make it taller
Johnny went out talling again and it was not a pretty sight
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1. That trick was so tall!
2. How did you do that math homework? You're so tall.
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