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Tamaki Amajiki

A special little potato, who deserves all the love in the world. He's socially awkward, and really sweet. I love him so much <3

Tamaki Amajiki relates to me on a spiritual level...

by MaddieDonutYT March 29, 2020

189👍 2👎

Tamaki Amajiki

A shy boy that deserves the world and has a buff bf named Mirio.

Oh boy, I sure do love Tamaki Amajiki he does no evil.

by thiccdammek May 23, 2019

112👍 5👎

Tamaki amajiki


Tamaki amajiki shall be protected forever

by Togata mirio December 3, 2020

Tamaki amajiki

He's from an anime called my hero academia he's very shy he's known as the big 3 along with nejire mirio and tamaki all I see is that tamaki haves anxiety badly

" I can relate to tamaki amajiki "
" oh really? How?"
" I have anxiety and I'm knowing for being weird"

by Idioicct June 11, 2021

Tamaki Amajiki

Tamaki Amajiki is a super shy, cute boy

Tamaki Amajiki is my husbando!!! I shall love him forever!!:33

by zuzuchanee November 8, 2023