If you think this is a misspelling of thank you your wrong. Tank you means you want someone to be ether exploded of crushed by a tank.
25👍 6👎
A phrase made by the Marvel Universe's Juggernaut after hitting Colossus with a tank.
Colossus throws a tank at Juggernaut.
Juggernaut says: "I always crush my cans before throwing them away." He then punches the tank back at Colossus & says: " TANK YOU!, I wonder if he's recyclable?"
13👍 7👎
Usually used by people with poor typing skills. Most of the time, it is a misspelling of "thank you", but can also be used after or with a joke about tanks.
tank you
sorry english isnt my first langage
16👍 10👎
A phrase said by the Marvel Universe's Juggernaut after hitting Colossus with a tank in the 90's TV series.
Colossus throws a tank at Juggernaut.
Juggernaut: "I always crush my cans before throwing them away", punches tank back at Colossus & says: "TANK YOU!, I wonder if he's recyclable? "
6👍 6👎
The phrase used by gunfighters after they have been defeated by a shooter by the name of Tank
“No Tank you” for the whooping I just received
“No Tank you” I would like to stay alive another round.