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Thick As Shit Knuckle Dragger / 'Thick as Soup Knuckle Dragger'.

An Irresponsibly Bred Chav who responds to everything with violence.

TASKD persons should be treated the same as a feral animal.
Despite a human-like appearance it is important not to expect normal human behaviour.
The smallest of triggers will cause them to attack and there is no reasoning with them, reasoning requires a level of intelligence that is far out of their reach.

Common examples of triggers include;

Being told by another person (Normally also TASKD) that you have slighted them in some way.
Even when the information provided to them is obviously false, they will still act on it as if it were true.

Defeating the TASKD person at anything, especially physical activity such as sport.
Conceding a goal in a game of football can result in an attack from a TASKD person.
This is especially true when the defeat highlights their below average intelligence.

Walking too close to a TASKD Person.
A TASKD person's aggressive tendencies are difficult to predict so it is always best to keep your distance. This distance should be enough to allow easy escape should they decide to attack.

It is important to at all times be vigilant of their behaviour.
When in the presence of TASKD persons it is best to treat them as you would a dangerous animal and stay clear, make as little noise as possible, do nothing that may provoke the animal and leave the area as quickly as possible.

Person 1; "Where have you been, we've been waiting for you?"

Person 2; "Oh I ran into Lee who decided he wanted to have a fight because Jade told him I'd being talking about him behind his back or some other shit, like I don't have better things to do than talk shit about that piece of Chavtastic crap."

Person 1; "Oh yeah, he's TASKD so he does that sometimes, best to just walk away, or beat the shit out of him if you feel like it"

Person 2; "TASKD?"

Person 1; "Thick As Shit Knuckle Dragger"

Person 2 (Laughing); "That's definitely him, god I wish we could just have him put down by a vet or something"

by pydeeny April 18, 2022