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teach a class

1. A sarcastic way of letting a person know that whatever they are doing at a particular moment in time isn't working for them.
2. (rare) A genuine way of letting a person know that they are highly skilled or proficient in a certain area. Almost impossible to differentiate this one from definition "1"

1. (Drunk girl is dancing funky, as if having convulsions, at a club. Walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder): "Wow! Can you teach a class on dancing??"
2."How do you do it, man? You're a true BLG. Can you teach a class??"

by KhafeKhoon May 17, 2010

63👍 6👎

You can't teach class

When one has been blessed by certain individuals to grace them with HOW YOU SHOULD BE.

I'm sorry, you can bring a goat to water but you can't teach class.

by misstara007 September 18, 2021