Source Code

Tee Eff

Tee Eff (tf) is something you say when something is absolutely ridiculous or unexpected. When your grandma only gives you $5 for your birthday, you typically say "Tee Eff?!" You then reach in the bag to grab the AK-47 to ruin her day. Other uses for "Tee Eff" would be if an ugly girl slides in your dm's. The right the to do is send a screenshot to your homeboy and ask "Tee Eff?!". Tee Eff is just used to emphasize the letters "T" and "F" in the popular "Tf" abbreviation for "The fuck".

Patrick: "Bro, I wish I had a bald girlfriend so when I have sex with her from the back I can smack her baldy."
Owen: "Tee Eff???!!"

by Pxttyy July 4, 2016

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a substitute for titty fucking for all the girls who are grossed out by the word 'titty'

he'd rather tee-eff me then get a handy

by TheShivers February 19, 2003

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The pronunciation of WTF.

Oh-Em-Jee OMG, Dubya-Tee-Eff?!

by Bite Me May 2, 2005

187๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

dubya tee eff

the cool way of saying WTF- What the Fuck

Someone dropped a brick on my foot and i was like dubya tee eff

by danfaK March 30, 2007

175๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž

doubleyou tee eff

the phonetic names of the letters W, T, and F. See wtf.

Doubleyou tee eff, mate?!

by edski February 13, 2006

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darbayu tee eff

An asian's way of saying WTF. Can be used as a stronger alternative to WTF.

Darbayu tee eff! Can you guys stop spamming the thread?

by aesookghyo May 4, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

dubstep tee eff

Instead of phonetically pronouncing "w.t.f." you say dubstep t f when you hear a strange-sounding dubstep song or you've never heard of this so-called dubstep song before.

I've heard many great dubstep songs in my life, but dubstep tee eff is this?

by TLK2215 October 8, 2011

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž