Source Code

Tell Them

A prepositional phrase, often implemented when excitement arises towards any and everything. Occasionally referring to positive feedback.

Antoine: Jamal enters the room "TELL THEM!"

Lakers win the championship..."TELL THEM!"

Antoine: "Shawty gave me some mean Doug Funnie, yo!"
Jamal: "TELL THEM!"

Antoine: "Yo, I'm about to go to the grocery store to get some eggs. I'll be right back."
Jamal: "Tell them."

by Jamal and Antoine July 11, 2008

8👍 4👎


The game that isn't quite like any other ball game and is usually played by people who aren't good at other sports. Usually played by a small group of kids, generally unsupervised.

Today I played the-ball-game-that-isnt-football-or-dodgeball-that-the-hopeless-people-play-during-games-where-they-body-people-and-tell-them-to-fuck-off during PE class.

by TrainerGamer December 12, 2020

tell them about their ass

to tell someone off

Andy, they messed up my order. Go tell them about their ass.

by FRATFRAT November 29, 2011