Source Code

tennis racket

the tennis racket is used to play tennis, obviously

Hey, want to play some tennis?
Sure! Let me bring my tennis rackets!

by DJ NINJA9 November 6, 2020

3👍 1👎

Vince the Homosexual with a Tennis Racket

A guy frequently spotted playing with children's no-no parts. After a good touch, he proceeds to spank the child with the tennis racket. How disturbing! He finds this entertaining. After this, he buys a corn dog.

Henry: some guy just pulled down my trousers and spanked me with a tennis racket.
Me: That's disturbing!
Henry:He said his name was Vince the Homosexual with a Tennis Racket

by KnowWhat Imtalkin bout December 31, 2011

1👍 8👎

Fraiser Tennis Racket

Bear fit n dat- Big bunda- hot Gets all the children (dw he now has a retaining order hes not allowed within a 3 mile radius of a child of primary school)

Fraiser Tennis Racket is bear fit

by Smolly, bradshaw July 9, 2021

Tennis Racket

Gyal with mad bunda

Kevin look at that tennis racket

by kteiner July 1, 2022