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A unit of length. Everything's bigger with this unit of length.

I reckon I done drove my pickup truck about 18,000 texons.

by Anonymous April 15, 2003

3👍 1👎


The Texas dialect of the English Language.

Origin: I made it up.

Ah'm a-fixin' ta go down to th' store 'n git me a coldrank.

Ya'll eat yet?

Y'all better quit alla this whinin' 'n caterwaulin' 'bout "President W". 'At-there's mah hee-row!

by Dave Hughes April 8, 2005

6👍 9👎


reckoned to be approximately 1000 miles, but in reality no one other than a pure-blooded texan knows the standard equivalent of a texon.

by Anonymous April 18, 2003