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what you think

nobody cares

Seriously, nobody cares what you think.

by NightHawk5872 August 2, 2009

46πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

what are you thinking

It's a mix of "What is going on?" and "what are you doing later". This is a Southern term that is used quite often as a greeting in large social gatherings. "What are you thinkin?" would be a normal sentence to describe a greeting and ask what's going on later in the night. For instance, "what are you thinkin" may elicit an answer of "it's dead- let's go somewhere cool".

"What are you thinking?" "Stupid, let's go to another barl".

by Michael J Murphy February 26, 2014

3πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

What do you think

A phrase that simple Nailogical uses

*finishes painting nails*

"What do you think?"

by Shakuraa February 4, 2019

39πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

What you think your better than me?

A saying that some guys have that they say to a woman when she turns them down for a date or a request for sex.
Often a rhetorical question.

Kathy: No,I'm not going to date you.
John: What you think your better than me?

by Deep blue 2012 July 19, 2010

2πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

What you think your better than me?

A saying that some guys have that they say to a woman when she turns them down for a date or a request for sex.
Often a rhetorical question.

Kathy: No,I'm not going to date you.
John: What you think your better than me?

by Deep blue 2012 July 19, 2010

2πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Child What Were You Thinking

Term that people use when someone younger does something random, stupid, or uncalled for.

You threw your test in the trash can? Child what were you thinking

by sumguy91 July 31, 2012

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

what do you think of me

What are your thoughts on them?

Friend: Hey, what do you think of me?
Me: I think you’re worthless

by drakesgf April 20, 2022

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