Source Code

Much of a muchness

Very similar

Do you like oranges or tangerines?

It’s much of a muchness I don’t mind.

by RoryRPM May 26, 2020

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The innocence and imagination that appears in the hearts of young children. As the children grow older, they become more mature, and gain responsibilities. They lose their muchness.

You used to be much more..."muchier." You've lost your muchness.

by Lost My Muchness March 9, 2010

233πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


When we say sentences like 'Walk much?' we shorten 'Do you walk much?'

VERB + much
NOUN + much


Confused, much?

Off message much?


by Paro May 18, 2005

600πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž


Questions can be abbreviated to a single noun usually abstract followed by the word "much"

Vince buys a new car and rocks up to his friends place and says "Do you like my new wheels? "Jealous much?"

Vince: Dude, I just saw my ex girlfriend with another guy..
Dan: Ohhhh man! Awkward much?

Vince: Cigarette much?
Dan: Yeah man, im really keen for one.

Vince: What are you up to tonight? Work much?
Dan: Yeah man... Its pretty lame!

by Varcoe September 25, 2008

115πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


an unconditional an infinite amount of love.
A word only reffering to the unconditional amount of love a person can feel.

Denny, I love you muches.

by hopenfaith8144 December 4, 2010

103πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Much (?)

Used at the end of a sentence, as if to confirm something that you already know. Often used in a playfully disrespectful way. Can also be used in a similar way to adding 'not' to the end of a sentence.


A: (says insult)
B: (overeacts)
A: Wow, over reaction much (?)

A: What's 1+1?
B: Haha, Genius much (?)

by BabeyGurl November 21, 2009

55πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Not much

-β€œNot much”-
A sequence of words consisting of β€œNot” and β€œmuch” WARNING when combined they form a lethal injection to any conversation and stops it dead in its tracks leaving no survivors!

Will:”hey wyd”
Mackey:”Not much”
Will:*jumps out of balcony*

by ToasterStrudelWithIcing August 14, 2019

21πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž