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3rd of December

You give someone your sweater or you just sit back and cries because no one give a damn about you.

Wdym he gave her his sweater his my boyfriend and he loves me. Damn it's the 3rd of December he had no moment to loose

by myssoufa January 6, 2021

622πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

3rd of December

you know Conan Gray's song Heather? well, the 3rd of December is Heather day, as he mentions in his lyrics :
"i still remember, 3rd of December, me in your sweater"
so on the 3rd of December, wear a sweater.

-Oh shit its the 3rd of december...lemme get a sweater and cry to Heather all day :)

by tinyspaghettis October 31, 2020

265πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

3rd of December

3rd of December is Heather day. On the 3rd of December, you should be wearing a sweater.

- oh shit its the 3rd of December...lemme go find his sweater

by tinyspaghettis October 31, 2020

110πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

3rd of December

Give someone you love you're sweater and call them heather

Guy: here take my sweater, Heather

Girl: why? My name isn't Heather?

Guy: its 3rd of December the day you give someone you love you're sweater and then call them Heather

Girl: aww thanks

by Potato. God November 28, 2020

43πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

3rd of December

3rd of December is when you give the person you like a sweater its like Conan Gray's song heather

Andrea: Hey Jaxon i really like you would you like this sweater.
Jaxon: eheh thanks but why a sweater.
Andrea: because its 3rd of december.
Jaxon: Ok sure thank you i like you too πŸ’–.

by A. Random. Bitch December 2, 2020

57πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

3rd of December

The day u give someone u like a sweater :)

You: Hey, take this sweater !
Someone: Why ?
You: Because it’s 3rd of December, the day u give someone u like a sweater !
Someone: Oh ok, tyy <3

by BilliePoi November 30, 2021

3rd of December

β€œ3rd of December” is a lyric in the song Heather by Conan Gray

Now a trend on tiktok has made β€œ3rd of December” a thing

girl:Hey its the 3rd of December can I have your sweate?


girl:you haven't listened to heather?


by akaashistoecrust October 26, 2022

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž