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the force awakens

a low budget Indie movie that will become a small cult classic in 17 years or so

Frank: Man the force awakens was such a cool movie!
Jim: Watching movies that no one has seen doesn't make you cool, Frank

by Hans Macgrueber January 21, 2016

22👍 34👎

star wars: the force awakens

Star wars: the force awakens is a movie that is no longer considered canon for its garbage story line and is widely regarded as a disappointment to everyone.

Teacher: "What's one thing you can name that is absolute garbage"
Student: "Star Wars: The Force Awakens

by stretchedskeppy October 19, 2020

6👍 9👎

force awakened

When a guy gets an unexpected hard on for someone around him.

Today in class while thinking about Mary the force awakened

by hisoka pancakes March 22, 2017