A rendition orchestrate with a small number of friends as the result of when one friend has had enough of you keeping him up all night talking and watching Bernd das Brot on the hotel room tv, rage quits the night and goes and hides in the toilet, crying. This is a problem, as you and your friends are thirsty, and your miserable sulking friend has been in there for 2 hours, and, despite bribes, threats and physiological (and chemical) warfare, refuses to unlock the door and come out.
In this grace situation, there is only one option:
The Globgogabgolab Dance!
The routine involves lying face down on a double bed in the middle of the room with dog poo-bags over your heads with eye and mouth holes torn out, half, or fully naked depending on the circumstances. The next stage is for one of your friends to quickly unlock the bathroom door with a coin after first turning off the lights inside the toilet with the outside switch, and run back to the bed to join you and the others. The infuriated friend then emerges from the toilet to winless the sight of you and your friends bare-ass naked face down on the bed totally still. Then illuminated only by the moonlight and the light emitted from Bernd das Brot on the tv, the masked figures slowly rise up and griddy silently, in slow motion a-top the bed in unison. Then, progress into the Worm followed by samba routines until the victim succumbs to this torture to the eyes and either attacks you, screams, or simply dies on the spot.
“He’s been in there for hours, the Nillywig!”
“We must take dire measures and do the Globgogabgolab dance!”