(Short for “Pimpism”)
1. (n) noun - the study, science and mathematics of the Pimp Game; an entire distinct doctrine, practice and theory that constitutes all principles of Pimpin' a bitch or a hoe; an ideology that governs Pimp philosophy and Pimpknowledgy including how "pimps" dress, walk and talk.
2. (n) noun - the man himself is referred to as, Ism, Izm, or "The Izm."
3. (adj) adjective - a word used on the West Coast, West Coast slang within that area's Pimp culture, circa late 1900s, primarily used to covertly refer to a Pimp, Pimping, or the Pimp Game.
1. (n) Izm - EXAMPLE: "Youngblood, you gots to be a student, a disciple of the Izm or Ism if you want your own stable one day. Live it, love it, breathe it, be it and son.... the money, you will see it! This is the way Baby J."
2. (n) Izm -EXAMPLE: "After knowledge, there's no excuse... Everybody won't accept the Izm or Ism, 'cause everybody ain't the Izm. Some do, some don't... Some will, some won't. YA DIG?" #IzmOnDeck
3. (adj) Izm - EXAMPLE:"You ain't got enough Game or enough of the Izm or Ism to step to me, Jack!"