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the opiate of the masses

R e l i g i o n

Hello, my name is Karl Marx, and I say religion is the Opiate of the masses. That is all.

by Larry the Lad March 16, 2005

30👍 11👎

the opiate of the masses

see atheism

atheism is the opiate of the masses

under communism's dictatorial rule of atheism and state opium production flourishes,then they get all of the people really high and then they shoot them all

just for fun i guess

by sick fucks them atheists March 8, 2005

11👍 41👎

opiate of the masses

Something addictive that keeps the public complacent.

Daytime talk shows are the opiate of the masses.

by Promethean Sky March 21, 2008

52👍 4👎

opiate of the masses


Sayeth Marx.          

by Evil Bella October 18, 2004

85👍 30👎