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The Promise

A song Emma Blackery wrote in 2013 and now hates. People would only talk about The Promise and she feels like it's not her best song. There's a video on Vloggery explaining why she doesn't like it anymore called "I grew to hate my own song."

Fan: I love the promise, please play it live Emma!!

by brovinki May 27, 2018

The Promise

A promise given to a bed mate or mates in which, if they do not agree to sex the promisegiver steadfastly will masterbate. (Works 50% of the time all of the time)

Jenny if you don't have sex with me I am going to have sex with myself. Trust me I will I am giving you The promise.

by That dudeification July 21, 2010

The Promise

Offer of fellatio or a blow job that never happens to induce compliance with female demands; from the Sweet Potato Queens

I made him the Promise, so he would mow the lawn.

by cornholio October 5, 2003

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone or something that has the potential to be awesome.

awesome potential hopeful valuable

"He seems like a promising politician" (note: awesomeness, here, is rarely seen)

"Her plan to invest in earplugs for the deaf sounds promising"

by Franz730 August 25, 2008

29๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


The definition of Beautiful. The real meaning of 'One in a million'. Usually of exqusite natural beauty. Smart & Witty, headstrong & focussed. Determined, stubborn as hell! Loving and playful. The most fabulous smile, which lights up a room. Simply stunning inside and out. A diamond in the rough.

You are truely blessed if you ever meet a Promise...

by Ispeakonlythetruth February 4, 2010

488๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

on a promise

In British English, "on a promise" simply means that you have arranged to or at least expect to have sex with someone in the near future - usually your regular partner.

Sorry, Dave. No drinks for me tonight. The wife found the handcuffs we used on our weddin' night, so it looks like I'm on a promise, know what I mean?

by a japanese lady's plaything May 6, 2007

176๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that many people make but few people keep.

I promise I'll pay you the money back.

by AmbientLion January 17, 2004

514๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž