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The Asshole Game

The Asshole Game is played among a group of people, wherein certain members of the group flat out refuse to answer their phones. Loss is inevitable in The Asshole Game, nobody wins.

Tim: Hey, you heard from John today?

Bob: No, he's playing The Asshole Game.

Tim: Shit.

by VillagePrick December 24, 2009

3👍 4👎

asshole, the game

A drinking game where in all cards are dealt out to three or more players. The players then in turn either play a card if the rules permit or drink alchol.

The first player to play all of his or her cards is declared the president the last is declared the asshole.

PLayers play there cards by placing them in the center one on top of another. In general a player may play one of his or her card if that card is of higher value than the last card played. If no player can play a card then the center pile is removed and the player who played the last card may now play a card of any value.

Under many variants of the game cards have special values or powers. Under some variant the President of the preceeding game may choose to alter or create special values for some of the cards.

Common special powers include:
-2s clear the pile. Player may play any card
-4s may be played on any card and are considered transparent

Lets get drunk and play asshole.

by crew8221 March 9, 2004

11👍 1👎

Asshole the Card Game

A card game played in a party setting, very fun way to get drunk
what you need:
1) pack of cards
2) alot of beer
3) 4 or more players

to start the game figure out a way to determine who goes first, an easy way is to draw cards and go by who gets the highest, second highest, third.. etc. the structure of the game is the first person going is the president, second is vice president, and each person gets a title of descending importance, until the last person who is the ASSHOLE. now throughout the game, everyone who has power can tell the ppl underneith them what to do. i.e. the president can say (EVERYONE CHUG YOUR BEER) and everyone has to. while the vice president can only tell the people under him to do stuff, and so on.

every player gets and equal ammount of cards, the first person to do anything is the player who has the 4 of SPADES and he has to put that card down. then the next person has to either put down another 4 or any higher card. then the next person would go and if they didnt have a card to throw down that was higher than the card on the table, they would be skipped and they have to drink a beer. If a player puts down a 3 it skips the next person unless they have a 2 to put down. playing a 3 also clears the pile of cards already on the table, and a new pile is started by the person who the round is skipped to. if a player has a pair of cards (say a pair of nines) the next player to go has to have a pair of tens or higher in order to beat it, or they will be skipped and have to drink, if no one has anything that can beat the card(s) on the table, then they would all drink (except for the person who played the card) and the pile would be cleared and the person who played the card would go again.

the game would go on until someone throws all their cards down, they will be the president for the next game, the next person to use all their cards is the vice president and so on. the loser is the asshole for next round.

also the president can make up rules, stupid rules such as anyone that touches their face has to drink. or anyone who says damn it has to drink.

atleast those are the rules ive played by.. spread the knowledge this game is awesome

play Asshole the Card Game and get drunk

by mark November 19, 2005

48👍 15👎

The asshole game

A social dynamic based on reciprocity where one party breaks social protocols of politeness via passive-aggressive or intentionally hurtful statements. The addressed party, in lou of taking offense, reciprocates with similarly impolite statements resulting in a back and forth banter of sarcasm, judgemental statements, and generally asshole-ish comments about the other person

Judy: My kid was getting into the chocolate right in front of you. Maybe if you were more responsible some woman would actually have children with you.
Tom: (internal-Oh! We're playing the asshole game. OK.) Maybe if you could keep your legs closed you would have a manageable number of kids.
Judy: maybe if you weren't a slut-shaming misogynist you then people wouldn't have to be embarrassed of expressing their sexuality

by christopher88241 June 15, 2017