A unit of measurement.
Wales has, for decades, been used in the UK as a standard of measurement, not just of land mass but also of population, annual rain fall, tourist numbers and exports. After entering the European Union, British switched to the Belgium, on the whole, to using metric units of measurement.
The 'Belgium' is the European standard of measurement now. It has almost completely eliminated the usage of the 'Wales' in this respect. Belgium is about 1½ times the size of Wales, approximately 30,000 km2.
Belgium is roughly the size of The Belgium.
An area of Amazon rainforest the size of Belgium has been hacked down in one year.
Street name for the country known as “South Netherlands”. Only used by people with no bitches.
“Belgium is actually called ‘South Netherlands’”
130👍 13👎
The most offensive word a man could say in the galaxy. On earth, it’s the name of a small country.
Person 1: Well, I went to Belgium to-
Alien 2: GASP!
126👍 14👎
A country which has a complicated political structure which is based on bilingualism; where the same political ideology can be represented by two different parties according to the language.
There are 2 liberal parties in Belgium: Dutch speaking "Open VLD" and French speaking "Mouvement Reformiste".
69👍 21👎
A country in north western Europe, specifically designed as somewhere Britain, France and Germany can settle their differences every generation or so.
Belgium was host to the following international tournaments:Waterloo, World War 1, and World War 2 to name the best known examples, also a current home of the EU government
164👍 54👎
Home of the waffle, historic castles, and beer that is often voted best on Earth.
Belgium has a better war record than France
1029👍 261👎