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the BEST life

"the BEST life" is lived in Santa Barbara, CA. "The BEST Life" consists of drinking, smoking, golden-balling, etc. with friends.

Everytime I come back to SB, I remember that it's the BEST life.

by nnnukkka January 28, 2008

5πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The highest-quality life you could possibly live out life in.

Bill Gates was living 'The best-life' because of his success with his company Microsoft.

by shaqjama765 September 28, 2020

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


This is the process of self-discovery after you begin to live out who you were created to be while being in a position to prosperous and successful in life.

John was living out the best-life while being passionate in his field of psychiatry after realizing his gift of healing psychiatric patients with mental ailments.

by shaqjama765 September 26, 2020

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Living the best life

A sarcastic term used by awesome sauce individuals who are stating that they fucking hate they way their lives have turned out.

I was on cloud 9 and now I'm living the best life. #yolo #monica

by Mymeg August 7, 2020

Living My Best Life

A stupid phrase that is used, commonly on Instagram, to give the false reality that you can wake up and choose which "life" you want to live. Perhaps you want to be a lazy dog, or a human facing the challenge of whether to have avocado on toast or a green smoothie for breakfast. Either way, it's got to be the best (breakfast) life you could possibly be living.

Just posted a selfie, #Living My Best Life

by collegestruggles September 17, 2018

407πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž

Living My Best Life

Usually said by girls that just got over a break up and afterwards they start to β€œLive There Best Life” by having physical contact with a whole lotta penis. Living My Best Life = Big Hoe Phase

β€œLiving My Best LifeπŸ€ͺ” - SnapChat Hoe

by 607soundcloudrapguy September 3, 2019

166πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

Living my best life

No one really knows, since β€œbest life” is such a broad term. Generally used when having fun or relaxing. Makes depressed people cry because they are also living their best life and it sucks.

Just living my best life relaxing by this lake.

I’ve been living my best life at home alone crying and watching Friends for two weeks.

by kyy July 29, 2018

113πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž