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The color red

This color was invented by Happy Pickle


Rembert that time I invented the color red-HappyPickle

by Imgoingto usemyreallname February 7, 2022

1👍 2👎

red colored pencil

When a women doesn't want to say she is on her period. This is the code word for: I'm on my period, don't mess with me!

Coloring is a perfect noun-that is used when you use this term.

Don't mess with Christy, she is coloring with her red colored pencil today, and being a total BY-otch!

Angela: I don't feel like swimming today, I am coloring with my red-colored pencil until Friday, and NOT in the mood.

by ChefLadyLeo August 4, 2012

I almost bought a Ferrari in Red Color but you should learn maths too.

I almost bought a Ferrari in Red Color but you should learn maths too.

I almost bought a Ferrari in Red Color but you should learn maths too.

by syafinaz? October 22, 2023

1👍 1👎