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The Dirty Todd

A guy who sucks dick for beer money and don't even drink.
A guy who belittles people to compensate his own small inadequacies
Just an all around bitch made guy who feels inferior and usually beats females to make himself feel tough

This person gave my my friend The Dirty Todd so bad I had to beat his punk ass down

by Isaiditbitch April 23, 2020

9👍 3👎

Dirty todd

To pull your finger out of a females ass and to proceed to fish hook her

I had to spit after he gave me a dirty todd

by Midget176 April 15, 2020

21👍 6👎

Dirty Todd

after taking your finger out of your male lovers ass, you proceed to fish hook him

can i get some mouth wash my boy friend totally gave me a dirty Todd.

by Don Knox January 11, 2008

21👍 31👎

Dirty Todd

A Dirty Todd is when a guy does whatever or says whatever he has to, in order to get money and gamble and buy beer.

Look there's that Dirty Todd over there. He ate our my ass after I shit for 5 bucks.

by Betty6969 July 29, 2021

2👍 1👎

Dirty Todd Remero

A term used by campers when cooking marshmallows. This is the act by which a girl grabs a guys mashmallow roasting stick with both hands to roast her own marshmallow.

"Hey, Jim, will you lend me your stick, i want to roast a marshmallow."

"Sure Jill, but only if you Dirty Todd Remero it."

by The Mountain Man July 1, 2009

3👍 1👎

Dirty Todd Helton

A common term for getting to first base with a girl. Generally used when drinking is involved such as at a party or camping.

"Do you even know what first base is?"

"Ya, i gave my girlfriend the dirty Todd Helton just the other day."

by The Mountain Man July 1, 2009

4👍 2👎