The most recent installment in Ryan George's "The first guy" series on YouTube. Go watch all of them. They're funny. He's a fantastic comedian. He does "pitch meetings" which used to be on Screen Rant. Has a bunch of other skits. It's good. Check it out.
Hym "Hey, the first guy to own a nightclub! Hilarious! It's Chris! Look, Chris! It's you! Kill yourself you piece of shit! I revolutionized A.I. and you interview sophists and charlatans! Who is it that actually sucks! I get credit for even half of the things I've done and I immediately make more money then you will ever have in you life and if I don't get credit I'll stab some kids! No amount of improvement accomplishes for you what I've accomplished. Do it today! Kill yourself today! You're literally expendable! Kill yourself Chris!"