Source Code

the gut

An unofficial US Navy term. An area in a continental European city where the trashy bars and prostitutes usually are. This area is typically listed as "off limits" to all Department of Defense personnel, but is usually where you run into the Command Master Chief, or the CO.

"Hey Sailor, where are you going today?"
"I'm headin' to Four Floors o' Whores, Master Chief"
"Sailor, that is in The Gut and off limits!"
"I'm payin' for the rounds o' drinks, Master Chief"
"Wait right there Sailor. Let me get my civvies on"

by DirtyMerg July 12, 2007

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


to be terribly upset

Kids might say they are gutted to be going back to school at summer's end.

by talk2me-JCH2 July 14, 2022

41πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


An absolute badass from the old yet nothing less than amazing manga series berserk. Guts is the coolest mf out there but his life was rough… like… really rough, not gonna spoil it though since the manga is so great. Just go give this shit a read, trust me you won’t regret it. OH! and my man guts has a couple animes and anime movies, i’d recommend watching the older berserk anime and/or the movies then read the manga. there is a 2016 and 2017 anime but the animation kinda sucks tbh πŸ˜”. anyways go enjoy the full guts experience!

the baddass himself (guts): GRIFFIIIIIIIIIITH

by berserkman47 February 26, 2022

102πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Courage. synonym: Intestinal Fortitude

you don't have the guts for that

by Random832 December 19, 2003

770πŸ‘ 199πŸ‘Ž


1. Only to be used in extreme disappointment

2. sensation of shock, amazement, normally unwanted, tingling stomach on the verge of crying, Normally happens when horrible news is delivered to you quickly EX: Cheating

My friend told me that she was cheating on me and he caught her, i asked if it was true and she admitted yes, I was so gutted..

by D!M! January 11, 2008

560πŸ‘ 198πŸ‘Ž

Gut it

1. To swallow a lipper of chew
2. When somebody is fucking up
3. needs to stop being a pussy
4. Nailing a babe

1. My parents walked in so I had to gut it

2. Ted is gutting it for the whole team

3. Just gut it and ask her

4. I took her home and gutted it

by bigbadbisexual April 27, 2006

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


gut (1): a person's stomach; belly.

guts (2): courage.

guts (3): the nature of something.

1."Reham is getting a big gut because she loves chocolate, ice cream and beer!"

2."It took a lot of guts to ask his boss for a raise."

3."Let's get to the guts of our teacher Iyad Nemer!"

by Iyad Mahdood January 26, 2013

32πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž