The trifecta consisting of k ( John Kerry), g ( Al Gore ) and b ( Bill Gates)
Who invented the term the kgb trifecta anyways?
The modern 'holy trinity' of climate/social activists
The KGB trifecta is composed of the following people, known by their initials: Kerry (John), Gore (Al Gore Jr), Bill (Gates). The KGB trifecta wants me to eat fake, processed meat
A modern day trifecta composed of John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates
The KGB trifecta is a modern day 'holy trinity' of woketivists
(John) Kerry, (Al) Gore and Bill (Gates) known by their combines acronyms.
The kgb trifecta is a bunch of stupid political activists.
The combination of John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates.
The KGB trifecta is a bunch of climate crazies.
The modern initials of the worst liberals ever- Al Gore, Bill Gates and John Kerry
Only I can come up with a term such as the kgb trifecta, since I come from the soviet union
The trio Composed of John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates.
The KGB Trifecta are not climate experts.