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Marching Band

1. ) A sport
2.) Hell
3.) The best thing that will ever happen to you
4.) Mentally and Physically draining

Marching band is a team build experience, that will change your whole perception on life and make you appreciate all the small things in life. There will be ups and down but you will love all of them. One thing about marching band is that you all don't just talk about band, y'all spill some real tea. One last thing is, the people you meet will become your friends for the rest of your life it doesn't matter what grade level or anything everybody is now your best friend for the first time you all snap to attention.

The first day of marching band camp
Drum major: *click* *click* *click* *click* BAND TEN HUT
A sloe rookie: Is it band or ben?

by piccolotrumpet April 13, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Marching Band


Where were you Friday night?
At a football game, marching at halftime.
What about Saturday?
Marching Contest.
Practicing for Region Band.
Monday after school? Tuesday? Every other day of the school week?
Marching practice. Come on, you think I have another life or something?

by snaregirl August 22, 2003

4561๐Ÿ‘ 592๐Ÿ‘Ž

Marching Band

Intensive walking while playing an instrument.

"When you march, you want to take your foot and place it in front of the other foot."
"Wait, isn't that walking?"

by xmancrushmonday November 28, 2016

79๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Marching Band

1. A cult of the top students in the school, playing as one, moving as one, becoming one.

2. The greatest thing I've ever experienced.

Marching kids hate MB during practice, love MB during competitions, and miss MB when its over.

by Naked Ken March 14, 2004

3420๐Ÿ‘ 525๐Ÿ‘Ž

marching band

1. A large group of people that are all family, but they all date each other.
2. They are ALL perverted. Every single one of them.
3. Just because the football players don't play at halftime, it doesn't mean they aren't in the band.
4. What happens on the band bus, stays on the band bus.
5. It's not just walking around...glide stepping, traversing, crabbing, you come try it.
6. The place where drummers backs will never be the same (especially if they are tenors or bass).
7. Your arms get tired of holding up that horn.
8. Attention or laps are punishment. I'd rather do laps.
9. Just one more time means at least 4 more.
10. Uniforms: sometimes comfortable, sometimes not. Hats: annoying. Poor tubas don't have to wear them.
11. The pit is hard. Even though they don't march, they still play.
12. Snare, tenors, bass, cymbals, marimba, suspended cymbal, cowbell, xylo, bells, chimes, claves, tamborine, etc.....every drummer has to know it all.
13. Trombones. They do it with a slide.
14. There are guys that play clarinet and flute. It's not just a girl thing.
15. There are girl drummers. It's not just a guy thing.
16. Drummers hit it because they like it.
17. This one time, at band camp....
18. Your band director talks perfectly normal, but when he yells, he does it with an accent.
20. The drum major is horrified when they get on the podium for the first time. It's a little scary up there.
21. Halftime IS gametime.
22. The band DOES pay attention to the football game. WE even have out own little cheers.
23. Those long bus rides are killer that's why if you're a girl you sit with a boy you like and snuggle up.



Dude, the marching band's new uniforms are awesome!

by stopdissinthebandyo September 14, 2006

325๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

marching band

1. My whole entire life.
2. The class I live for.
3. The after-school activity you actually enjoy.
4. What you look forward to all year long, and you even love marching in the mud, the rain, and the blazing hot sun at band camp.
5. It taught me to appreciate the dirty things in life.
6. The late night bus rides where you play games, sing cheesy songs, and make out with your bus buddy (hey it's dark, and ALMOST no one can see).
7. Getting naked in front of everyone and loving it.
8. Your real family, that you love and also want to do things with.
9. It takes up all your free time and you love it.
10. Something to actually be proud of, since we work harder than the football team, probably win more awards, and we have more fun. Plus, it's one of the only sports that has boys and girls. You can never go wrong with that.
11. The feeling of belonging to something.

At one band competition, we got to the school at 2 A.M. and got back at 4 in the morning the next day. I was tired, my feet hurt and I had five shots in my coffee just to stay awake. And for that 24 hours my home was the white tent where we changed, my family was the band and all my friends, and heaven was those styrofoam cups of burning hot chocolate and out sock feet stepping in rain puddles while we frantically changed into marching uniforms. It's the amazing feeling you get when you finish the last note of your marching show, and the sound resonates all around the stadium, and you snap back to attention trying so hard not to smile because you're so happy.

by twily-whirly-marching-girly May 4, 2005

2275๐Ÿ‘ 393๐Ÿ‘Ž

Marching Band

The band room is your home
The bus rides your sleepovers... movies, games, truth or dare, and just being perverts!
The band wing is the cool hang out spot in the morning, even on days when you don't have band.
Social life = band. you have no time for anything else between band camp, rehersals, football games, more rehersals, competitions, auditions...
a band is a single unit that works together, in marching band, you find your very best friends, and your family.
and band can also be your source of injury like being run over by the tuba, or hit in the head by the colorguard.
in short... band = love

try marching 7/8 in the shower - falls

driving car around "snowflakes" in parking lot (actually chairs lol)

DRILL DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!
band memories...are the best ones I've got

by Band Geek December 1, 2004

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