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The Meatball Man

The Meatball Man is a wrester, boxer, mascot, and former olympian. Though he is famous for being an athletic icon for the past 40 years, he is rarely seen in public, and therefore has many imposters--especially throughout the streets of Alabama. Some imposters have been identified:
Howie Mandell
The infamous Johnny Methlab
Danny DeVito
Mel B
Land and Sea Goblins

Some other famous Hollywood celebrities are seen, but not as often.
For the duration of his wrestling career, The Meatball Man was known as "The Ultimate Meatball" or "Meatball the Great".

We hope you're doing well, Meatball Man. We know you're out there.



*rips off costume* JOHNNY METHLAB?
*rips off mask* HOWIE MANDELL?
*rips off mask* DANNY DEVITO?
*rips off mask* DONALD TRUMP?
*rips off mask* MEL B?
*rips off mask* HOLY SHIT IT'S A LAND GOBLIN!
*rips off mask* HOLY SHIT IT'S A SEA GOBLIN!!
*rips off mask* .....JOHNNY METHLAB?!

by Simon J. Riddleson aka Ridley August 25, 2018

meatball man

one who transports a meatball sized piece of rectum cake from the toilet with his mother's silverware and gently smooshes it into a nearby friends ear while they sleep.

willis: yo dowg, cleedis is sleepin... lets put sum shit in that nigga ear yo!
leroy: ha haaaaa word life nigga... you's the meatball man huh?

by johnny mac October 13, 2007

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