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Pissing hole

(NOUN) An old word for the toilet.
(VERB) A person who is very drunk.

Tudor man: I REALLY need the toilet!!
Other tudor guy: Theres a pissing hole down the street.

by cockl7t67 January 11, 2011

21๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Piss Hole

A vey descriptive way to describe a piss chamber. AKA bathroom. In this room many things go on! You may use it to go for a piss but others, more creative people use it to eat out or have sex. This is a fun and iteresting way to use a piss hole. Another reason why a piss whole has become used for sex is because of the readily availeble condoms!

i.e I didnt use the piss hole right.

by Defman August 10, 2006

36๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

piss hole

1.where urine comes out of the PENIS

2.also used as a dirty name

1.i went to the bathroom and my piss hole was burning

2.your a fucken piss hole!

by Anthony February 8, 2005

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Piss Hole

(pronounced: Piss 'oil)
A term used by Yorkshire Folk
Describes The toilet for gentlemen

Jack: "Ah rite me ode salior what thy upta?"
Neil "Nowt Bud, Just Lookin for Phil, Thought he was out toneet?"
Jack "yea, He is out toneet, Hes just gone thy piss hole"

by phil_0000 November 4, 2008

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piss hole

Some bady who fucking pisses you off. Also/Or A complete jack ass, shit fried moron

God my teacher is a piss hole he suspended me for stealing his chronic

by PAki Chan May 25, 2005

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piss hole bandit

A homsexual that hangs out in public restrooms.

Beware of piss hole bandits when you are at the zoo.

by guido#22 June 27, 2009

Piss Hole Pals

A lesbian couple

Hey, get a load of those piss hole pals...

by Nate1957 September 9, 2010

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