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The solution to men

Join my progressive cult! Start a union and let the women fuck the fat cocks instead of you and berate you for having a small dick. Don't worry, when they run out of fat cocks you can feed their bastard kids until you die!

Hym "Yeah, hey, fuck face. You aren't seeming to get it. I'm not men. I'm not people. In the same way that women want to be treated as individuals. There is no solution to men. Me getting paid more to work my shitty gas station job isn't ME getting credit for MY contributions to society. Which are SUBSTANTIAL AND MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER HAVE. You aren't protecting young men from thinking wrong. It's your cult or theirs. Their incest cult gets me a free fuck-slave. What does yours get me? NOTHING. I get to be another body for the collectivist horde and I get WHAT, exactly? 'The solution to men' is 'Do whatever it takes to not be beholden to shit-libs, up to and including human trafficing and/or child murder. Whatever it takes.' That's the fucking solution."

by Hym Iam May 24, 2024