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the squang

a group of really hot attractive alpha sigma males who make youTube videos together

Brian: yo have you seen that new video by the squang

Bod: yeah they did a little big planet video

by Cian The Sigma Male July 9, 2021

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More commonly referred to as the vulva, squange is the external portion of the female reproductive system.

"Man, I love donning my latex gloves and double-punching some squange!"

by Hugh Jovaries April 27, 2009

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To "Squange" something is to grab or squeeze an item visiously, usually approached with wide spread fingers and followed by a forceful groan after the initial grasp.

Kyle! you Squanged the living fuck out of that cone!

by Michael Tarantoola February 20, 2008

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automatic half credit, possibly full credit, on any math test as long as you put "+ C" after the word.

As Paul Noe desperately scrambled to put an answer, Steve Furger put "Squange + C" as his answered got half credit while Paul got only one point.

by godzilla Lee January 11, 2008

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A great group of people, usually more girls than boys, who do stupid and idiotic things on purpose to get in trouble because it's funny to them

Boy 1 : Hey Dario go suck a peen
boy 2 : Go buckle that girls knees, she cries about everything
boy 3: Hahaha serah is such a wimp

Girl 1: Yall are dipshits

girl 2: -sitting in corner and silently laughing-
Boy: We should have a Squang house when we are older

by Squang February 16, 2019

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A squid gang

Little timmy went to the aquarium his favorite exzibt was with the squids they were really close one might even say a squang

by Smiling Sammy smith September 13, 2017

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When a female continuasly sucks on your testicles even though you just nuted.

God damn man, I had this one bitch over my crib, she gave me the best brain and to top it all off she gave me the squange of a lifetime, jawn had made my whole body feelin like an angel touched my insides.

by Big swingin July 1, 2015