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The Stinger

Metaphoric Meaning: it's like two scorpions in the desert fighting to the death...

Literal Meaning: a wild sexual position whereby the man and woman both lay on their backs with their asses facing each other. Their feet are both up in the air pressed against each other and arms lay by their side, palms down at the waist to provide leverage to lift the lower body. A double headed dildo is inserted in both the mans and woman's anus and both proceed to thrust together in opposing rhythms while they lift their heads and stare deeply and intently into each others eyes, taunting each others spirit. Once the energy gets vibrant, each of them take one of their opposing hands and proceeds to masturbate the others genitalia. As each proceeds to roar and really feel the oneness between them, they grip and squeeze together aligning their koundalinis and sending exploding rhythms of euphoric fireworks from their base up through their spines pulsating each others chakras, sending booming energy into their bodies, finally reaching their heads paralyzingly each of them in a celestial orgasmic trance.

Husband: "Hey hun, want to do The Stinger tonight!?"
Wife: "Umm, not tonight babe.. But the dildo is in the fridge if your looking for it."

by MufasaSamson March 23, 2013

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The Stinger

Using a bee or wasp sting to the dick, alloying your penis to swell as well go numb. You well then be able to satisfy your lover for hours as well as any other members in your BDSM party.

In order to be sure one with nature as well as an active member in the outdoor BDSM orgy, Jason took the stinger straight to the dick

by Beermiester October 10, 2020

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The Stinger

when u chew a clit until it bleeds.

Ryan Miller gave Ame White the Stinger.

by Bobby A August 8, 2003

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To be taken by a ponzi scheme. To lose money on a venture when one party doesn't live up to its' agreements. To get stung in a bad deal where one side doesn't live up to expectations.

"Our company is thinking of sponsoring that race team, but we need to perform better due-dilly so as not to get stingered again."

"We tried to pre-order that new crowd-funded widget, but we got stingered and the company never delivered. I'm still waiting!!!"

by BrandAmbassadorO February 21, 2019


(noun) Slang word for a hypodermic needle or syringe.

Gesturing towards the new and unused needle, Nikki asked Tony, "Could you hand me that stinger, please"?

by Nikki Stixx December 26, 2020

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An exceptional man and father who enjoys watching sports and drinking beer.

He an awesome guy, a true Stinger.

by Swell05 June 8, 2023


A blunt that is smoked until the point of being so short that the smoke stings the users eyes.

"We smokin these down til' they're stingers"

by MemeMacheem March 1, 2017

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