The whale the game is kinda important to me know if you are staying at the end of the wild the game is here to help you with the dark souls of my friends and family members and the two stair icons which is a map with the nutshack theme song lyrics and I think it's just too much of a million dollars.
The whale the game is kinda important to me know if you are staying at the end of the wild the game is here to help you with the dark souls of my friends and family members and the two stair icons which is a map with the nutshack theme song lyrics and I think it's just too much of a million dollars.
Where a person is asked to replicate animal noises whereby the the last question asked is "what noise does a whale make?"This is followed by spitting your drink all over the person to replicate the noise of a whale's blowhole. Best performed by a group on a person.
Whale Game:
Group: "what noise does a dog makes?"
Participant: "woof woof"
Group: what noise does a cat make?
Participant: "meow meow"
Group: what noise does a horse make?
Participant; "neigh neigh" etc, etc
Group: "What noise does a whale make?"
Participant: "??"
Group: spits drinks all over person
The blue whale game is where people do tasks for other people and 50 days later there's a request for a player to commit suicide
A: Did you hear about the children suicides?
B: I heard they were potentially linked to the blue whale game
18👍 4👎
50-Challenge game that drives to suicide. Facebook friends/random Facebook person sends a link to the game, and you must accept. It begins with simple challenges, as watching horror movies for an amount of time, but then it gets dark, as killing one of your parents/friends or drink poison pills. The last challenge is "Suicide".
People say that if you accept, you wont be able to leave it/get away.
Steps are said clearly with a creepy voice.
10 children in Russia died because of the Blue Whale game.
4👍 1👎