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Be A Mitch Or An Emily

We are the Thiccest!

by Mitxhhh195 May 9, 2020

7πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

badr the thiccest

Badr the thiccest is a guy with a insanely big butt his butt is so big, plump, round, and juicy he has 8 husbands and they all are okay with it because who doesn’t want Badr the thiccest. He turns straight guys gay.

Did you see Badr the thiccest, I want to be his 9th husband.

I turned gay for Badr the thiccest last week.

by Big booty badr February 4, 2020

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Thiccest in the room

Refers to a man or a woman who is the thiccest in the room

Jason: Yo Dave, have you seen Jessica?

Dave: Yeah. She's practically the thiccest in the room

by KingOfDom March 6, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Badr the thiccest vs no eye man

A giant-butted man, vs. A stick figure with a plump butt!

Badr the thiccest vs No Eye Man! Who would win! LET'S GO!
The battle starts with Badr farting a big one, blowing away No Eye Man. No Eye Man gains butt power, his butt inflates, and then unleashes the Butt Blast! Badr loses 50% health, but then something BIG happens... Badr makes No Eye Man lose 45% health by using his superpower, the Butt Special! But then No Eye Man has a superpower too... No Eye Man's anus starts to glow blue, then something unexpected happens... His butt starts to glow too, then... PPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! HE UNLEASHES THE BUTT LASER! Badr loses 100% health! Then Badr explodes, blood flying everywhere. NO EYE MAN WINS!!!!!

by Bluetext6572 August 22, 2024