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Three Arrows

The Three Arrows were a symbol originally used by the German Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SDP) during the interwar period, but they are now recognized as a general anti-authoritarian symbol.

The arrows stand for the different types of authoritarianism that should be opposed. Their commonly accepted meanings go as follows (from top left to bottom right):

1. Reactionaries/Royalists
2. Nazis/Fascists
3. Marxist-Leninists/Authoritarian Socialists

In the 21st century groups ranging widely from Social Democrats to Anarchists have been known to use the symbol, sometimes unified under the banner of the Iron Front or Anti-fascism/Antifa.

Person A: "The President has been taking more and more control over our federal government. If we're not careful we'll end up as a dictatorship!"

Person B: "We must fight to keep them in check. Three arrows!"

by feelmycoilunwind June 12, 2022

Three Arrows

A socdem (social democratic) political symbol that had its beginnings in the Iron Front (Weimar Republic's version of Antifa) that consisted predominantly by members of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). It symbolizes their resistance against the Nazis and it was their answer to the Swastika.

Each of the arrows represents their struggle and resistance against a different enemy.

The first arrow represents the resistance against reactionary conservatism — which at the time were the monarchists.
The second arrow represents the resistance against fascism — which at the time were the Nazis.
The third arrow represents the resistance against communism — which at the time were the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). The socdems had an overwhelming fear, that the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union were calling the shots in the KPD.

The symbol is still used today, albeit the meaning of the three arrows and what they represent is in constant flux.

Carlo Mierendorff: "Ugh, listen, we need something as cool as the swastika or the hammer and sickle too."
Sergei Chakhotin: "What if we went around town crossing out the Swastikas with three arrows?"
Carlo Mierendorff: "Sounds great, but what if a Bruised Turd will start to use this name hundred years from now?"

by conquest of turds September 18, 2021

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