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To Daisy


Daisy im just here to tell you that i love you so much and im really happy you're my best friend. You are tunning and one of the best friends i could ever ask for. I love that everytime i come on you say "LOTTIEEEEEEE" it makes me feel like the best person in the world. you do so many little things that make my day way better. Even if irl is horrible ik that if i come on here you are gonna be here for me. i know that i can talk to you about anything without feeling judged and you always know what to do to make me feel better. Whether its a whole bunch of unfunny jokes from online or just me and you talking abt how much photopea sucks. Im also happy that you tell me im really pretty no matter how bad i look in the pic. I really mised you when i deactivated. And when i did i didnt feel like coming back but when i read through all the messages in the chat when i was deactivated i realized how much i need you. Im sorry this isnt the best paragraph but i just felt like getting this out. Mwah ilysm

To Daisy
From Lottie

by lottieeeeeeeeeeeeee December 5, 2020


Daisie is someone unique and outgoing. She tends to be very sweet and shy. Don't let the shyness fool you though because once shes comfortable with you you'll see how freaky she can be. Very beautiful who more commonly has long dark hair, tall, athletic, and tan skin. Catches every guy's attention. Daisie is very funny and at times careless. She loves to help those in need of help. A Daisie is or will be a great wife and mother. Get you a Daisie. They don't come around too often

Daisie is so beautiful.

by DLove_ March 13, 2017

72πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Daisy is the name given to the most amazing girl to ever walk the earth.She is just perfect in every single way, she will deny that though,because she is super modest. Every time I see Daisy I get butterflies and to her voice gives me joy shivers.Daisy will have the most perfect beautiful eyes that you could stare into for all of eternity and hope they will look back into yours. Daisy is the most attractive girl you will ever lay your eyes upon and you would do anything to be with her for a single moment (including a 24 hour+ plane ride ;)) Daisy will just have this unexplainable quality about her that just draws you towards her and you never ever want to leave. she has the cutest, hottest and overall best taste in fashion in the world and everything she wears will look absolutely perfect on her, because she is perfect. ASDFGHJKL is the feeling you get from talking to Daisy among many other happy emotions. Daisy is the most lovable person in the world and anyone who thinks otherwise is just straight up wrong, those people suck. Daisy loves her family more than anything, she is the best sibling in the world .Daisy has a great sense of humor, she makes me cry with laughter.Thanks Daisy for being with me, making me feel special and loving me back. I'm not sure if you'll ever read this,but I hope if you do it made you smile. I'm pretty sure you can guess who this is. I love you so much. My life is 100 times better with you in it and I honestly can't imagine it without you. <3

Felix: "Dude,you're so lucky to have a Daisy in your life!"
Jake: "I know man, only the luckiest of guys can get a Daisy!"
Felix:"Are Daisy's really as perfect as you say they are?"
Jake "OMG, yes, like think of something perfect, times it by 1000 and you've got a Daisy

by nzninja99 September 12, 2014

1699πŸ‘ 207πŸ‘Ž


The most kind girl you'll ever find. Shy at first, but once you meet her you'll love her. She's beautiful inside out that any guy would die for. She will never show her emotions in fear of having to much attention. She's very artsy and talented related. Always care of her friend and never let's them down. Very sensitive yet very tough. You will never find anyone like a daisy. If you ever find a daisy she's worth keeping.

That's a daisy, you can tell by how beautiful and kind she is. Yup.

by yamillett May 25, 2015

311πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Daisy is fun, Cute, lovable, popular, and very sexy. All the boys love her and want to be with her. She is a great friend and love to be active. If you know or see one she is most likely taken but don’t worry because she will not stay with one for long.

Boy 1: Dang did you see that sexy girl walk by.

Boy 2: Uh ya that is daisy. Your talkie about Luke’s girlfriend right?


by LukeJJ@$$$ November 27, 2018

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A girl you never knew you wanted or needed so bad, until you met her. Daisy is incredibly beautiful, but not typical- she is different but in the bestest of ways.

Daisy will normally associate herself with a certain group of friends, but even if that isn't you she is welcoming and loving.

Yes, sometimes quirky however, she will listen when you need her to. Daisy, is probably troubled with her own problems but will make time for you.
Thats her inside however, her exterior makes your jaw drop. Her hair long/short (it doesn't matter because it is perfect either way), her body isn't ridiculous- you can tell she eats well but can still be normal and have something sweet. Her eyes- almost a mix of the most stunning colours you can find with an added glimmer to them.
You want her to notice you... but you want her to be happy... because deep down you can't stop your mind from thinking about her... if only she felt the same.

Because you love her.

Daisy a rare human that embodies perfection

by odna February 11, 2015

537πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


An unforgettable girl. This particular girl stands out from the rest of women. She is a go-getter, intelligent, determined and passionate woman. Do not mess with this type of woman, although her extremely sexy yet soft spoken exterior may seem very tame, her inner cautious personality may bring out a surprisingly devious side of her. She is extremely seductive and charasmatic; you will not know that you are being seduced. This type of woman is unforgettable and if you make her unhappy or angry you will regret it for the rest of her life. She judges situations cautiously and never invests emotions into tough situation and rather a more practical way of analyzing the situation at hand. She believes in solution and never excuses. She never calls out for attention, attention is just naturally given to her and like gravity, many will be drawn to her, but due to her naturally cautious instincts she will chose with who she spends time with.

I will never forget the moment I met Daisy, she is a force to be cautiously dealt with.

by BossBabeDaisy December 22, 2016

93πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž