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dap up december

no fucking hugs only dap ups during dap up december

jakai did you just try to hug me? It’s dap up december dh!!!!

by elie da goat November 4, 2019

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

dap it up

when someone says a joke or somthing that was intended to be funny but it wasnt you dap it up, like being sarcastic

james: did you se those numbers 6 and 9 get it 69!

Tim: Dap it up (hand jesture, the dap)

by Tim Hood January 20, 2008

15πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Dap me up

A hand motion used to greet someone similar to a handshake or fist bump. The people "Dapping up" will bring their opposite hands together, sliding them against each other, and locking their fingers for a brief moment before retracting their hands. White/suburban people will usually mistake this phrase for "Dab me up."

"Bro what you are doing, dap me up"
"We haven't seen each other in 2 years and you aren't even going to dap me up???"

by HATINGLIFESTYLE January 12, 2022

206πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Dap me up

An unspoken greeting performed or done by fist bumping, tapping, or hitting. Usually only by tapping light. Sometimes a person is agressive n hits the other fist hard. It's usually only spoken if the other person is unaware or if a person confronts the other about not doing it or being left hanging with a fist in the air... . Can also be used to agree about something such as a titty flash, upskirt, payback/revenge/karma, or getting high etc.... .

I was looking out for you bro, *dapped*, that's right bro you better dap me up.

Speaker knockers has a song that's titled "dap you up"!

by Anonygnostymo217 August 6, 2018

153πŸ‘ 134πŸ‘Ž

Dap me up day

dab me up oct 7th and 8th

you slide hands then close them dap me up day

by dab me up day October 7, 2021

16πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

to dap up

a verb which fits the action of informally greeting a homie via a high five, fist bump or a sequence that makes up a handshake.

"Yo, dap me up bro!"
"Sure, homie!"
*performs handshake*

to dap up (just so it can submit)

by littleman_dictionary May 30, 2023

Dapped up

A drug deal

"Yeah I just got dapped up by Tony"
"Oh that's sick bro. You got enough to share?"

by jkittle March 29, 2019