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what do you meme

A dope ass card game for good laughs it’s like apples to apples but you are givin a caption cards and then everyone has to lay there caption to the meme picture

Person:What’s what do you meme

Me:A dope ass card game for good laughs it’s like apples to apples but you are givin a caption cards and then everyone has to lay there caption to the meme picture

by Bruce splat December 31, 2018

do the meme

(verb) to bring an internet meme to life, either intentionally or by accident (which is often more hilarious)

"Omg they did the meme! He and his friend pointed into the distance at the Beyond Fried Chicken!"

"That talking cat is literally doing the meme at those two women!"

"I want to do the meme! I want to wear a blue hat that says 'Please be patient I am _______!'"

by tourchan December 26, 2023

to do memes

Describes the activity you were doing when you just look at memes.

Hey bro, what are you doing?
I'm just doing memes
Cool, I'm going to do memes in a second aswell

by Cave Hunter October 1, 2018