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drawing dead

In a card game, when no cards to come can could give a player the best hand, he is drawing dead.

"I can't believe you caught that flush on the turn because now I'm drawing dead."

by katan July 29, 2004

drawing dead

In poker, someone already holds a hand that will beat the highest hand you can possibly make.

"He got quads on fourth street; I was drawing dead."

by Coell May 13, 2005

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drawing dead

a term used in poker when a player has no outs left.
no possibilities to win the pot.

you: AK
other guy: 45

flop: AAA

turn: doesnt matter, other guy cant win
river: doesnt matter, other guy cant win

this guy is raising while he's drawing dead.

by Mazecraft November 16, 2006

21👍 3👎

to draw dead

In poker, to continue in a hand when there are no cards remaining in the deck that can help you.

I was drawing dead, he already had the nuts.

by Stu Ungar August 14, 2003