A Toe eyed cabbage is what you could call a person who just has the personality and the brain of cabbage, they are very annoying too, when using to insult someone you would say you are a head of a toe eyed cabbage
Zombieman699 is a head of toe eyed cabbage
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an ass hole who can't come up with an original insult to save his/her life and eat's unseasoned chicken dipped in vinyl paste
Person 1:"you look like shit today"
Person 2:"listen here you toe eyed cabbage i didn't get put on this damnable planet so you could spew unoriginal insults at me i hope you stub your toe while you look for your snack of unseasoned chicken dipped in vinyl paste
15👍 6👎
It means an individual who pours milk before the cereal, basically a horrible person.
Ew! That toe-eyed cabbage really just out the milk before the cereal, what in the disappointment?
5👍 2👎
Cunt, a very annoying (most likely a liberal) individual.
The word can be used as an insult at any time, anywhere
Listen here you Toe-Eyed Cabbage, I wasn’t born into this world so your fatass could shit out low level insults at me. I hope you stub your toe and have to crawl around your bedroom in the dark 3:47 AM in horrific pain after going to the kitchen for a midnight snack of cheese and crackers you absolute gormless minger.
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