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Toogh guy

A Gen X/middle aged man of blue collar background who spends his afternoons at sports bars drinking, watching sports, and trying to act like a tough guy to everyone around him. Usually gets into altercations at the bar over said sports game. What makes the toogh guy interesting and an oxymoron is that despite acting like a jerk to other guys at the bar or in public is that he will often be seen appeasing and groveling to women in his life.

Toogh guys will often be divorced and forced to pay alimony to their ex-wives and often times they will happily do it and make all form of excuses and mental gymnastics to justify it not being so bad.

The favorite phrase of the toogh guy is “it is what it is” when describing the pathetic state of his marriage and/or life to someone in a attempt to cope with his pitiful existence. The toogh guy is often seen hitting on and simping for the younger female bartenders and often times is deluded in thinking he has a chance with them or that they like them. Some toogh guys even get jealous of other men at the bar getting overly sweet with their favorite bartender and will try and act tough with or cock block said guy.

Toogh guys love talking about how chivalrous they are to women or lying about having better jobs titles than they actually have (like being a federal agent or retired fire fighter) and constantly express how women should be protected at all costs, often times in front of women so they can appease them or try to impress them.

Bro Dylan’s dad is such a typical Gen X toogh guy. He literally bragged to me at the bar the other night about how he has to pay alimony to his ex-wife and then lied about being a federal agent. Afterwards he got in my face for talking sweet to the bartender that usually serves him.

by CMartel15 December 18, 2022